Hair Extensions Specialists Melbourne

Step into our Melbourne salon to experience the artistry of keratin bond and fusion hair extensions. Elevate your style with the finest hair extensions in Melbourne, crafted by our skilled team.

Book a consultation with our amazing team to discuss your hair goals

Great Lengths Keratin Bond Hair Extensions

Want long hair, that looks like your own hair, that isn’t high maintenance?

Maintaining Great Lengths hair extensions is remarkably easy and hassle-free. These high-quality extensions are crafted with precision and durability in mind, making them resistant to tangling and frizz.

With the right care routine, including gentle brushing, regular washing with sulfate-free shampoos, and minimal heat styling, Great Lengths extensions remain soft, silky, and lustrous for an extended period.

Their seamless integration with your natural hair ensures a seamless appearance, reducing the need for constant adjustment. Whether you opt for straight, wavy, or curly extensions, their resilience and ease of management allow you to enjoy long, stunning locks without the stress of complicated upkeep.

Great Lengths Platinum Salon


Great Lengths Platinum Salon ~

Holding the only status of Platinum in the state of Victoria for a long time, Andrea Barr is a Platinum Great Lengths Educator and Stylist.

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Effortless, guilt-free hair

Great Lengths hair extensions, which are 100% ethically sourced from human hair. Great Lengths Keratin Bond molecular structure is specifically designed to mimic the molecular structure of human hair.

With double drawn strands for added volume and over 100 color options, our Great Lengths hair extensions provide long-lasting beauty without high maintenance, lasting from 4-6 months.


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